Upskilling and Reskilling: New Strategies for Empowering and Retaining Talent in Companies and Organizations

Analytical and creative thinking will remain the most important skills for workers in 2023, along with self-efficacy, flexibility, motivation, curiosity, lifelong learning, reliability, attention to detail, empathy, active listening, leadership, and social influence. 

However, these skills are threatened by the digital transformation we are undergoing, so the key question for organizations is how to manage talent to keep up with the demands of this new era.

According to the World Economic Forum’s latest report, “The Future of Jobs”, which gathers the opinions of multinational HR leaders and explores how jobs will evolve over the next five years, more than 75% of companies surveyed believe that the impact of most technologies on the job market will be clearly positive, and that the analysis of large amounts of data, innovative tools for managing climate change and the environment, encryption and cybersecurity will be the main drivers of job growth. 

In the face of changes and challenges in the labor market driven by technology and automation, a gap has emerged between the skills required by industry and those actually possessed by professionals. The global reskilling revolution aims to close this gap.

The reskilling strategies implemented by companies aim to successfully manage talent by focusing on how to enhance or reinvent current competencies. This not only helps retain talent, but also fosters a corporate dynamic culture that provides opportunities to learn and grow.

Today, the premise is to transform ourselves to adapt to change. We need to reinvent job profiles to bring them closer to what the jobs of the future, which are already here, will require. This can be done by learning new skills that are better suited to current profiles (upskilling) or by acquiring new skills for a completely different job (reskilling).

For example, one of the most important skills a person trying to enter the job market must have is the ability to adapt to an environment accelerated by the introduction of exponential technologies (VUCA) and the attitude to treat his or her skill evolution as an innovation project.

Therefore, these reskilling and upskilling initiatives become crucial for both companies and professionals. On the one hand, companies need employees with the ingenuity and dexterity to not only accompany change, but to be its authors. On the other hand, continuous learning becomes a strategic value for talents because it allows them to stay up-to-date and move fluidly through transformation processes, increasing their employability and reducing their vulnerability to possible periods of unemployment.

Those who resist lose, those who adapt win.



