Siltium and Suma Real State together in the development of an interactive experience 

The Argentine capital software factory created a game that was presented as the main attraction of SUMA Real State’s stand at the “Sustainable Energy Solutions” event organized by BGH, Acclimatare and Ingenergias Argentina.

As a specialist in real estate consulting and the development of sales strategies and digital positioning, SUMA is a company that stands out for creating memorable experiences for its customers. For this reason, they asked Siltium to design a game with a simple, tactile, intuitive and accessible interface to entertain guests at their stand while they waited for the hosts’ conference.

Inspired by the mechanics of the popular Tower Bloxx game, Siltium’s gaming team created a game experience that consisted of dropping blocks to construct a building with specific characteristics. 

“We design the games, thinking about the importance of the event and the target audience. We know how to gamify experiences, says Martín Valdez, CTO of Siltium. 

The fusion of entertainment and marketing strategy not only created a positive connection between the attendees and the brands involved, but also allowed SUMA to obtain a valuable database for future commercial initiatives.



