On-demand programmers

They manage the logic and know about the specialized languages used in the systems. Companies are desperately looking for them. They are no longer the boys and girls who spend all day with codes and computers… maybe they are, but today they are the most sought-after professionals in the technology industry.

The exponential growth of the software market triggered the demand from software start-ups and companies that need to upgrade their technology.

Inmersed in market with attractive salaries and flexible working conditions, the number of programming students has considerably increased. Short courses, technical courses, or degree courses related to the field grew significantly, especially during confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, with a wide range of educational offers on digital ecosystems, how do we choose the right option?

Francisco Valdez, CEO of Siltium, believes the reputation of the institution offering the learning spaces should be considered while making this decision. Moreover, he argues nobody should underestimate the programmer’s career – although they can earn above-average salaries – it requires a lot of effort, dedication, professionalism, and, most of all, passion. “It doesn’t work like if you take a quick course, you will automatically start working for foreign companies and earn dollars. That’s a myth,” he says.

Today a programmer can sometimes earn more than a manager in a multinational company, but to do so, they must prove their knowledge, show their skills, and keep up with the digital universe.

Due to the demand for digital goods and services, the international market is always looking for programmers with semi-senior or more profiles, with three or more years of experience in the field, and with a good level of English to be able to communicate with teams from different parts of the world. For this reason, the technology training process is only the beginning for those who choose this discipline since it takes time and requires constant learning.

Siltium’s Power Up program trains talent that stand out and generate a distinctive impact in the field. It is a professional seedbed made up of boys and girls interested in programming, some of whom are graduates of university degrees in Engineering or Computer Science and others who finished High School and decided to enter the world of software development.

Throughout six months of learning and training, the powerupers get the necessary tools to begin their journey in the industry. The premise is that those who practice, persevere, and meet Siltium’s profile will be part of the company’s team.

If you want to learn more about our program, please, contact us at powerup@siltium.com.



