Category: Opinion

  • Business intelligence: trends that are transforming decision making 

    Business intelligence: trends that are transforming decision making 

    The way business leaders make decisions is increasingly linked to the availability of fast and timely information. This is becoming a constant challenge due to the large amount of data handled in different areas and the limited capacity to process it in real time.  In this context, Business Intelligence appears as a tool that allows…

  • Why is QA essential in a project?

    Why is QA essential in a project?

    Lately, we have been talking a lot about QA in one of the Underc0de groups, and since I am currently working as a QA in a software company, I will comment my personal experience in this area. What is a QA? To summarize in a few lines, QA (Quality Assurance) refers to the way of…

  • Content Creation and Digital Assets in Web 2 and Web 3

    Content Creation and Digital Assets in Web 2 and Web 3

    Videos and images uploaded to social networks, user content creation in Web 2 and Web 3, fungible and non-fungible tokens, virtual land purchased in the metaverse, who owns them, what are the Terms and Conditions of each platform, how is ownership recognized in Web 3? When we make the well-known click on the Terms and Conditions of each…

  • Brand Value increased through technology

    Brand Value increased through technology

    Did you know 232 million people worldwide downloaded the Pokémon Go app in its launch year (2016)? You’ve probably heard of or even participated in this collective game that expanded the Pokémon universe and took it to another level. Many wonder about its unique value compared to the thousands of other entertainment products that came…

  • Upskilling and Reskilling: New Strategies for Empowering and Retaining Talent in Companies and Organizations

    Upskilling and Reskilling: New Strategies for Empowering and Retaining Talent in Companies and Organizations

    Analytical and creative thinking will remain the most important skills for workers in 2023, along with self-efficacy, flexibility, motivation, curiosity, lifelong learning, reliability, attention to detail, empathy, active listening, leadership, and social influence.  However, these skills are threatened by the digital transformation we are undergoing, so the key question for organizations is how to manage…

  • The Importance of Data Quality in Model Training

    The Importance of Data Quality in Model Training

    If the data does not adequately represent the context of the problem to be solved, the resulting models and systems can introduce many biases and complications. Imagine that in your business you want to know if a customer is about to leave in the short term, but you don’t have the information you need to…

  • QA: When to start automating?

    QA: When to start automating?

    Today, the vast majority of projects use agile methodologies, but as sprints pass, it becomes increasingly difficult to perform regressions. Fortunately, automated testing exists! Imagine having to test new features in a sprint and then having to run 500 test cases in a 2-week cycle. This is a huge workload for manual QA, but there is…

  • Agile vs. Traditional Methodologies

    Agile vs. Traditional Methodologies

    Traditional systems that focus on specific planning and emphasize factors such as cost, time, and scope are being challenged by agile project management that prioritizes teamwork, customer collaboration, and flexibility. Due to the instability of the environment and the constant changes that shake the business world, companies have been rethinking their processes, approaches and methodologies…

  • The Future is Now: Why Technology Adoption is Essential for Brands to Thrive

    The Future is Now: Why Technology Adoption is Essential for Brands to Thrive

    By Alejandro Lombardi, Communications Team Leader at Siltium. We live in a technological world that is constantly evolving. It is more important than ever for brands to adopt and integrate new technologies into their operations. Failure to do so can lead to missed opportunities and a loss of market share to tech-savvy competitors. Consider this:…