Category: Opinion

  • The impact of Social Responsibility in the Technological Age

    The impact of Social Responsibility in the Technological Age

    Today, technology has rapidly evolved to become an indispensable part of our daily lives, changing the way we interact, work and live. However, with this evolution comes new challenges and responsibilities. It is essential that companies and individuals who develop and use technology are aware of its impact on society and the environment.  Social responsibility…

  • Beyond Code: The Importance of User Experience Design in Technology Product Development

    Beyond Code: The Importance of User Experience Design in Technology Product Development

    Have you ever wondered why certain applications or digital products have become essential to your daily life? To answer this question, it is important to understand that their relevance is not only due to the advancement of technology, but also to the experience they provide to users. User Experience Design (UX) has gradually become the…

  • Emotional Salary 2.0: Keys to Motivating and Retaining your Team

    Emotional Salary 2.0: Keys to Motivating and Retaining your Team

    In an increasingly competitive workplace, the concept of “emotional salary” is a key tool for organizations seeking to retain talent and keep employees engaged and satisfied. In my experience, however, I have found that many emotional salary strategies are outdated or not truly aligned with the expectations and needs of employees. Discovering the Real Key…

  • Driving Effective Business Decisions

    Driving Effective Business Decisions

    Have you ever heard the term “Business Intelligence” or “BI”? For many decision makers, it is the first time they encounter these terms and are hesitant to incorporate intelligence into their business. When we talk about BI, we are referring to a set of technologies and strategies that help organizations analyze and visualize their business…

  • Nothing artificial: the change implied by the incorporation of AI in brand management

    Nothing artificial: the change implied by the incorporation of AI in brand management

    The pace of change is the only constant. In this context, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging not only as a catalyst for innovation, but also as the epicenter of an unprecedented revolution in branding and marketing. Far from apocalyptic visions, AI is positioning itself as a strategic ally capable of catapulting brands to unimagined horizons…

  • The Future of Design in the AI Age

    The Future of Design in the AI Age

    At the crossroads of the digital age, design is undergoing an unprecedented transformation, driven in large part by advances in artificial intelligence (AI). Today, it is easy to find AI applications that generate stunning drawings, logos, and designs in seconds with just a few words of command. In light of this, the role of designers…

  • About Cypherpunks, Pizzas, and Anonymous Authors: 15 Years of Bitcoin

    About Cypherpunks, Pizzas, and Anonymous Authors: 15 Years of Bitcoin

    In the world of financial technology, few phenomena have captured collective attention and challenged established norms like Bitcoin. From the creation of the mysterious pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to the current explosion in market valuation, Bitcoin has stood the test of time, attracting not only investors but also regulators and legal experts. To understand…

  • Gaming: a masterstroke to enhance the brand experience

    Gaming: a masterstroke to enhance the brand experience

    Anyone over the age of 30 who has been lucky enough to have a video game console at home has heard mum or dad say “quit it and do something productive”. Contrary to this notion, today the gaming industry has experienced exponential growth, surpassing the entertainment industry. It is no longer a pastime for the…

  • How do I start testing?

    How do I start testing?

    Let’s start by explaining what a bug is, which will be our ally or enemy from now on. A bug is basically an error (unexpected behavior, visual error, etc.). Why do I say it is an enemy or an ally? One of the ways to know if we are doing our job well is to find…

  • From the Inside Out: Transparency as a Pillar for Technology Companies

    From the Inside Out: Transparency as a Pillar for Technology Companies

    Technology companies deal with a huge amount of data, and for this very reason they need to make a greater effort not only to be reliable, but also to show that they are reliable. We already know that there is no point in being neat in their processes if they cannot clearly communicate this to…