Category: Media

  • Siltium present at the 9th Latin American Congress of Technology and Business of América Digital 

    Siltium present at the 9th Latin American Congress of Technology and Business of América Digital 

    The CEO of the company, Francisco Valdez, together with the Sales Director for LATAM and Spain, Gustavo Pérez, participated in this international event held on April 10th and 11th in Santiago de Chile. This congress brought together 100 international speakers who spoke about the main trends in the world of telecommunications, ICT, IT, OIT, mobile,…

  • Siltium ushers in a new era of legal efficiency for the CPACF

    Siltium ushers in a new era of legal efficiency for the CPACF

    The Argentine company dedicated to the development of customized technology solutions designed a mobile application for the Professional Bar Association of Capital Federal (CPACF) with the aim of optimizing the daily transactions of its members. Some time ago, the Bar was virtually closed. When the new authorities reopened it, they prioritized the modernization of its…

  • Siltium and Suma Real State together in the development of an interactive experience 

    Siltium and Suma Real State together in the development of an interactive experience 

    The Argentine capital software factory created a game that was presented as the main attraction of SUMA Real State’s stand at the “Sustainable Energy Solutions” event organized by BGH, Acclimatare and Ingenergias Argentina. As a specialist in real estate consulting and the development of sales strategies and digital positioning, SUMA is a company that stands…