From the Inside Out: Transparency as a Pillar for Technology Companies

Technology companies deal with a huge amount of data, and for this very reason they need to make a greater effort not only to be reliable, but also to show that they are reliable. We already know that there is no point in being neat in their processes if they cannot clearly communicate this to their internal and external audiences. This is where transparency comes in.

As well as sounding great conceptually and metaphorically, transparency is a lot of work. It is not a value that is imposed, but one that is built from within.

This means that if our company gains credibility with its employees, it is very likely that they will bring this essence to their projects and negotiations with customers, suppliers, partners and competitors.

At a time when corruption is commonplace in most areas, transparency is a much watched and valued item in the business environment. When an organization demonstrates transparency, reveals itself and makes its activities visible, it distinguishes itself from the competition and gains a significant advantage in the public eye.

For example, Red Hastings, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Netflix, calculated the exact amount of transparency to implement his recipe for a solid and extraordinary company that has earned him the admiration of the entire business world.

Hastings has built a culture in their organization that is free from rules. Instead, employees are encouraged to have open discussions and evaluate their own work. This approach fosters honesty and creativity amongst staff, leading to valuable contributions to the company.

It is also true that implementing transparency policies may cause friction and discomfort among employees, but it is the responsibility of leadership or line managers to support the change process, communicate it effectively, and provide all the necessary tools to overcome resistance to change.

At this point, it is a priority to define what information needs to be communicated, how it will be communicated and the most appropriate channels for doing so. To ensure transparency, communication must not only be relevant and accurate, but also open, honest and accessible to all members of the organization.

For this reason, companies, especially those in the IT world, need to provide information management systems and online collaboration tools to promote free access, visibility of processes and results, and feedback within teams. It is in these spaces for comments and suggestions that doubts arise, but also opportunities for improvement and the identification of risks.

It is a fact that the more technology companies grow, the more transparency is required in their practices. Promoting this value requires a cultural, personal and organizational change that is urgently needed in a global context where ethics in technology is a must.

“Crystal clear!”



